World Patient Safety Day

A diagnosis identifies what the reason is for a patient’s health issue. In the process of reaching a diagnosis, healthcare teams must work with their patients to navigate the complex and sometimes lengthy diagnostic process. This involves discussing what kind of examinations and testing the patient will need and why. And then, reviewing results with them to explain how a final diagnosis was reached and what their treatment options are.

Unfortunately, sometimes mistakes are made along the way and these can have significant consequences. This can delay a diagnosis, or mean a patient is given an incorrect diagnosis, or it is missed altogether. These errors can prolong illness and in the worst cases cause disability or even premature death.

The World Health Organization has chosen the theme for this year’s World Patient Safety Day to focus on improving diagnosis for patient safety. Using the slogan:

“Get it right, make it safe!”

On this day, we as public health professionals encourage patients and families, health workers, health care leaders, policymakers, and civil society to emphasise the pivotal role of correct and timely diagnosis in improving patient safety.

✔ Correct and timely diagnosis is the first step to preventative interventions and effective treatment.
✔ Understanding the diagnostic process is key to reducing errors.
✔ A range of solutions are available to address diagnostic errors
✔ Diagnosis is a team effort.