NNEdPro-IANE Cambridge Summer School: A Foundation Certificate in Applied Human Nutrition.

NNEdPro-IANE Cambridge Summer School: A Foundation Certificate in Applied Human Nutrition.


This course offers a comprehensive Foundation Certificate in Applied Human Nutrition, covering a broad spectrum of basic nutritional concepts and their applications in healthcare, policy, and prevention. The programme is co-organised with the School of Advanced Studies on Food and Nutrition at the University of Parma, Italy, and features renowned international lecturers.

The Summer School adopts an online, blended format, allowing participants to study at their own pace using pre-recorded lectures and a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for digital interaction and queries. This year, we are introducing a flexible approach to live sessions. Upon registration, participants can choose to attend live Q&A and mentoring sessions in Cambridge or online. This provides a dynamic learning experience tailored to individual preferences. Two opportunities are available annually, and the next cohort will take place on the 23rd and 24th of September 2024.

For detailed information and registration, please visit our webpage. Feel free to contact us at (learning@nnedpro.org.uk) if you have any questions or require further assistance.


We are pleased to offer WHOCC members a 20% discount on the registration fee. Simply use the code NNEDPROP24 at checkout. To learn more and enrol, please visit www.nnedpro.org.uk/summer-school.