Nutrition & Prevention for Public Health

Nutrition is a core part of health and development at an individual and community level. Public Health Nutrition is the implementation of Public Health principles to design Nutrition systems, environments, and programs that aim to maintain or improve the optimal health of individuals, targeted groups, and populations.
Public Health Nutrition is related to lowering the risk and severity of non-communicable diseases mainly cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes, improving immune system function, child and maternal health, creating the opportunity for safer pregnancies and childbirth, improving quality of life, and healthy life expectancy.
This short course tackles the main issues for the increase of NCDs in the context of global burden of disease, addresses the main drivers to a healthier population, and introduces the tools needed to reduce pressure on the health systems.
Learning Objectives:
- Demonstrate an understanding of global nutrition issues and the link with public health.
- Understand the underlying cause of most deaths and disability globally
- Recognise the practical aspects of the tools and measures of nutrition
- Learn the importance of the life course approach
- Understand the ideal food environment, workforce, and food safety for a country
- Recognise the importance of health promotion and literacy to encourage good practices
- Assess the need to achieve positive changes in the community by using nutrition tools and services
- Learn how to develop policies and regulations that service for a better community
TBC (3 day intensive course)
Target Audience:
Public health professionals interested in expanding their knowledge on prevention with nutrition.